Helping organizations reach their TRUE potential

A Midwestern Operational Excellence company serving Midwestern companies

DeltaTRUE is a Chicago based firm that specializes in Lean, Strategy and Operational Excellence consulting services primarily in the manufacturing, gaming, automotive, product development, logistics and warehousing sectors.

We have deep roots in Chicago and Detroit and though we have served clients throughout North America, Europe and Asia, the midwest is our home and we think of our customers also as our neighbors. 

The Team


Charlie Guild, Founder + Consultant

Charlie has been a Lean Change agent, Strategist and Operational Excellence leader since the early 90's. He has held executive leadership positions in the automotive, gaming and plastics industries as well as in capital goods sales, design, engineering and production. He has also provided management consulting in aerospace, consumer packaged goods and health care. 

Charlie proudly served in the US Army. 

LinkedIn Profile 


Norm Wurz, Consultant

Norm has served as a Senior leader in gaming, entertainment and consumer goods manufacturing. His people-centric leadership style resonates at all levels of an organization and has amassed him a loyal customer base. 

Our Name and Logo, explained


DeltaTRUE. It starts with the name.

Delta (represented in the Greek alphabet by the triangle) in the world of change management, represents the difference between the current-state and the desired-state.

TRUE, to us, has three important connotations: 

1. We want to help organizations understand their true (honest) current-state. 

2. “True-North” in the business sense is understanding and aspiring to move toward the best possible future-state (to operational excellence) . 

3. When something is in calibration, operating at it’s best, most correct condition, it is said to be “trued”, or in true.  


"Get the right people on the bus........

In his book, Good to Great, author Jim Collins shared the metaphor of comparing a business to a bus, and the leader to a bus driver. He explained that it's critical to continuously ask “First who, then what?”

When evaluating talent, we have found that by measuring cultural fit (as determined by the ability and willingness to personify corporate core values) AS WELL AS job performance, associates tend to land in one of the four quadrants shown here.


...and make sure you're moving in the right direction"

The blue, northeast pointing triangle is designed to serve as a reminder that with DeltaTRUE you have a Lean, Operational Excellence focused partner striving to help you move your culture to the upper right quadrant and develop the tools for your success including the ability to attract top talent while retaining your current stand-outs and continuing to build from within.
