Leadership is at once a simple and a complex thing. In showing the courage to stand up to Hitler and lead the allies through World War II, Winston Churchill reserved his place as one of the greatest leaders in history. The 12 year old that stops, takes a stand and reminds his or her peers that that kid, the one that everyone is making fun of because they talk or act differently is not a bad person, and is not someone we should be teasing or talking bad about, that 12 year old is a leader too.
As different the situations, both are clear examples of Leadership. But, incidents of leadership also show up a thousand times each day that aren’t as clear cut and can go virtually unnoticed. Being angry and hard to deal with is leadership just as much as holding the door for someone and sharing a pleasant, “hello”. Leadership is Influence, so however we show-up today determines the contribution we are making and the type of leader we are deciding to be. Our beliefs drive our thoughts that drive our actions, which ultimately drive how we show up in the world. This tells the world the leader we have decided to be (for today at least).
At the very core of Buddhism lies the notion, “Be the change you what to see in the world.” And in almost every organized religion or faith, the Golden Rule of “Do unto others as you would have done onto you” goes to the same notion- Be the Example. What we want in this world is ours to have, we just need to find it in ourselves first.
(Originally shared on LinkedIn 1/30/16)